Saturday, July 20, 3:00 PM
Neer Park, New London

Visiting Royalty/ Ambassador Info
Visiting Royalty and Ambassador Programs, use these quick links for more information about our Events. We welcome you to New London!

Register for the Parade
Choose the Visiting Royalty option. Free for visiting Royalty.

Quick Contact

Ambassador Luncheon
We invite Visiting Royalty and Ambassadors to lunch with us. May have 2 chaperones join as well. Please RSVP here for our number count:

Register for the Parade
Choose the Visiting Royalty option. Free for visiting Royalty.

Quick Contact

Ambassador Luncheon
We invite Visiting Royalty and Ambassadors to lunch with us. May have 2 chaperones join as well. Please RSVP here for our number count:
About the Program
The New London Ambassador Program is a community-based and outreach program for young women in the New London area.
Ambassadors run for candidacy the summer before their Senior year and if crowned, they serve through their Senior year and pass on the duties at Coronation, during WaterDays, the third weekend in July.
Junior Ambassadors are young ladies in 5th or 6th Grade who also run as Candidates alongside the Ambassadors, and, if crowned, serve for 1 year.

2023-2024 Ambassadors
Becca Bergh & Jaycie Coleman
Avery McCann
The Ambassadors and Junior Ambassadors visit many surrounding communities in the course of their reign, volunteer at multiple events and fundraisers, and overall experience a leadership training that enhances their lives.

Our Mission
Leadership: Throughout the year, there are many opportunities for the Ambassadors to share, help, and lead. Whether it is reading to elementary school classes, volunteering locally, or visiting community members and businesses, the Ambassadors grow significantly through their reign.
Ambassadorship: Sharing about New London and what makes it unique is a main role the Ambassadors play in neighboring towns and amongst many other Royalty programs throughout the state.
Scholarship: Ambassadors receive scholarships when their reign is complete.